Developer Interface

This part of the documentation covers all the interfaces of BioThings Explorer. For parts where Requests depends on external libraries, we document the most important right here and provide links to the canonical documentation.

Query Module

class biothings_explorer.user_query_dispatcher.FindConnection(input_obj, output_obj, intermediate_nodes, registry=None)

Find relationships between one specific entity and another specific entity or other classes of entity types.

input_obj (required): must be an object returned from Hint corresponding to a specific biomedical entity.

Hint().query(“Fanconi anemia”)[‘DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature’][0] Hint().query(“acetaminophen”)[‘ChemicalSubstance’][0]

output_obj (required): must EITHER be an object returned from Hint corresponding to a specific biomedical
entity, OR be a string or list of strings corresponding to Biolink Entity classes. Examples:

Hint().query(“acetaminophen”)[‘ChemicalSubstance’][0] ‘Gene’ [‘Gene’,’ChemicalSubstance’]

intermediate_nodes (required): the semantic type(s) of the intermediate node(s). Examples:

None : no intermediate node, find direct connections only [] : no intermediate node, find direct connections only [‘BiologicalEntity’] : one intermediate node of any semantic type [‘Gene’] : one intermediate node that must be a Gene [(‘Gene’,’Pathway’)] : one intermediate node that must be a Gene or a Pathway [‘Gene’,’Pathway’] : two intermediate nodes, first must be a Gene, second must be a Pathway. [‘Gene’,(‘Pathway’,’Gene’)] : two intermediate nodes, first must be a Gene, second must be a Pathway or Gene.

NOTE: queries with more than one intermediate node are currently not supported

NOTE: queries with more than one intermediate node are currently not supported

display_edge_info(start_node, end_node)

Display detailed edge info between start node and end node.

  • start_node (str): start node id
  • end_node (str): end node id

Show detailed node information.

  • node (str): node id

Display the query results as a pandas table.


>>> df = fc.display_table_view()
>>> df

Show all edges in the graph.


Show all nodes in the graph.


Convert the output to graphml format.

  • path (str): the file path to store the graphml file

Convert the graph into JSON through networkx.


Convert the output to reasoner api standard.

Hint Module

class biothings_explorer.hint.Hint

Resolving Biomedical Identifiers through BioThings APIs.

query(_input, semantic_type=None)

Main function to resolve identifiers.

Param:_input: any string input